Louise Lachmann  |  17/03/2020

An open letter to our partners on Covid-19

In the past week, the COVID-19 (corona) virus has significantly impacted our families, our businesses and our societies.

On behalf of the entire Mono Team, I want to reach out to let you know that we are taking proactive steps to ensure that Mono’s business operations continue to run as normal.

As part of the wider Bauer Media Group, we’re operating under a strict no business travel policy, as well as strongly advising all our employees to follow the advice of local authorities to self-isolate and remain at home. 

In addition, per Danish government recommendation, the entire Mono team has been working from home as of last Thursday - and I’m proud to say that our team was up-and-running in their home offices in record time. Our existing processes and operations are developed to allow employees to work from home, ensuring minimal impact on our support to you, our partners. 

But most importantly, we also need to remember to support your small business clients during this difficult time and our team has therefore put together a short post on 10 ways to support local businesses during COVID-19. Please feel free to share this post, or better yet - translate into your local languages so that it reaches ever more people. 

As our valued partners, we hope you stay safe during these challenging times, and we appreciate all your support and understanding as we all cope with this global health crisis.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or your Partner Success Manager. 

Best regards,

Louise Lachmann